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My Round5/Season2017 thoughts -G-
Well now then after several weeks my brain is sort of started working again ?I though I’d best put my thoughts into words which is a lot harder than it sounds..
But what can I say ? I don’t really know where to start
WHAT A MAD YEAR !! and what an emotional weekend 3 weeks ago at Sunday’s RDC round 5 for the final round of the 2017 season championship, a championship I took over ownership of at the end of 2016 and boy did we have our work cut out ….
So enter the new RDC team with me at the helm,
Mark Kelley, Darren Jones, Lee and Faye Hurt and several marshals at each event.
The judging team Dave Lannaghan and several guests (Mike Marshal,Darren Bloomfield ,Kyle Chisholm ,Harry Stuart ,Jay White ,Tom Hutchinson, Will Smith, and James Grimsby
Head of media Stuart Sheil and his massive team of awesome photographers,
without these guys none of what we have achieved this season would have been possible, each and every one one of them has a major and vital role to play on each comp day AND for that I THANK them ALL from the bottom of my heart. I feel humbled to work alongside them.
To all the drivers that have turned up and supported us throughout the season in some amazingly built and prepped cars, always showing up at the start line at every event with a smile on their face and ready to battle, and to do this it takes major commitment, time and dedication for which I THANK YOU.
I also appreciate all the time taken offering helpful advice and ideas through the season to assist with the smooth operation of these events. Supporting each other in the the pits and bringing the right attitude and atmosphere to the pits- Thanks to those that support the drivers, families and friends of drivers and all those that support everyone to be able to participate. All the work that goes on, the late nights in garages etc, all the sacrifices.
Id like to thank all the forces drivers that attended it was great to mix up the competition a little bit and thanks to matt Roberts and Paul Howells for keeping you in check lol
A huge well done to those that have taken the trophies and prize pots home throughout the year and to the guys that took the top spots of the season – Huw Gwion Savill in the Dukes of Hafod AE86 and the Jones brothers in the team JBR S13s Daryl and Bradley ????????
Here’s a quick run down of what my goals were from the off for this season:
a. Driver focused events – seat time ,value for money competitive etc
b. Atmosphere
c. Family friendly and social events
D. Challenging tracks
E. Consistency
F. Trust
G. Build drivers confidence in myself and RDC as a series
H. Free tyre changing
I. Brand build (merch)
J. Zero single runs
K. Prize moneys and prize pots.
I’ve had a good crack at all of these items and will continue to try and progress further with each event.
For next season my aims and goals are more consistency, more evolution of media outlets I.e
– new member of staff who’s job is to promote the series
– new website
– videographer
– flyers for each event
– promotion local to event venues to boost spectator/local awareness
– more evolution of the brand building
We have already started working on and will continue to work during winter months on all the plans for 2018.
So far we have 3 venues that are eager to work with us 2 of which have already confirmed and both of them will be weekend events ?
This year while trying to build the series we have had massive and amazing support from our sponsors; VOLKSCRAFT, Violent-D, Two Roads Motorworks, GTEC Garage, i3t, AIRCAM and Pentland ACL for which I am VERY VERY GRATEFUL and look forward to furthering our commitment to these companies and working with them more for next year
At this point I would like to invite all those that have been involved in this season to message me with any suggestions of things they’d like to see happen. With lots of things to sort for 2018, I’ll reply to emails and messages as soon as possible
And lastly if you enjoyed RDC let everyone know and if you have any media you would like to promote please send it over so we can help to promote you as drivers too.
Ps watching you guys all skid was mega hard for all of us as staff so next season we will be joining you on the start line during practice sessions at some of the events ???
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